Resources For Widows

We understand that every journey through widowhood is deeply personal, but that doesn’t mean you have to walk it alone. Our resources page provides a collection of empowering tools, practical guidance, and valuable resources tailored for widows. Whether you’re seeking a bit of comfort, a tool to organize, or a guide to help you through, you’ll find it here.

widow checklist action steps

A FREE CHECKLIST packed with insights to manage the avalanche of post-death tasks

Searching for reliable resources and insights to navigate the essential steps you should take after your spouse or life partner’s death? Look no further. For advice that feels more like a chat with a friend instead of a lecture, download our free checklist, created by widows who have been there and done that.

It’s packed with wisdom, and tailor-made for widows just like you.

relationship with grief

A FREE GUIDE to making peace with grief and giving yourself extra grace as a widow

Discover useful strategies for moving through grief with our free guide exclusively for widows. Embrace the path towards healing and inner peace. Let this be your ‘guiding light’ as you navigate the complexities of grief and discover a renewed sense of hope.

Your healing journey starts here, so grab your FREE guide today and take that empowering first step towards a brighter tomorrow.